Iwein lowenritter by felicitas hoppe. 2008 isbn 978 3 596 85259 8 pp. Das buch handelt von einem mutigen ritter iwein der einst von artushof wegritt um abenteuer zu suchen. Get this from a library. Felicitas hoppe was born in hameln germany in 1960.
Die geschichte wurde ursprunglich von hartmann von aue im mittelhochdeutschen verfasst. Die tragische geschichte um iwein und seine frau laudine ist gut und erfrischend erzahlt halt den leser bei laune und stellt etwas besonderes dar. Felicitas hoppe born in 1960 lives in berlinher debut novel picknick der friseure appeared in 1996 her second novel pigafetta was published in 1999 after a round the world trip on a cargo ship followed in 2003 by paradiese ubersee 2004 by verbrecher und versager 2006 by johanna 2008 by iwein lowenritter 2009 by sieben schatze and the stories der beste platz der welt 2010 by. Translated extract from felicitas hoppe michael sowa iwein lowenritter s.
From 1982 to 1984 at the eberhard karls universitat in tubingen from 1984 to 1986 at the university of oregon and from 1987 to 1990 at the freien universitat berlin. In 1996 her first short story collection picknick der friseure t. Felicitas hoppe was born in hamelin and grew up there. She studied rhetoric literature and religion in tubingen the usa rome and in berlin and worked as a journalist and language teacher.
Hairdressers picnic was published.